Materials Technology

The Materials Technology Group at XPS is dedicated to enhancing the reliability of critical equipment during key phases of design, procurement, and operation. By optimizing asset utilization, cash flow, and life cycle costs, we can help clients achieve maximum value from their investments. We specialize in mitigating risks associated with both common and uncommon failure mechanisms specific to the mining industry, ultimately helping to prevent premature equipment failures. Our services encompass materials selection, corrosion testing, QA/QC in equipment fabrication and capital projects, equipment fabrication specifications, integrity assessments, asset management, and metallurgical root cause failure analysis.

Dan Falcioni

Consulting Services

Materials selection for capital project or new processes​

Equipment integrity and remaining life assessment in acid plants, smelters, concentrators​

Sulfuric Acid plant process gap assessment and optimization​

Equipment fabrication specifications ​

QA/QC for new equipment and in capital projects​

Asset management 

Testing and Analysis Services

Metallurgical Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA)​

Corrosion and wear testing for materials selection 

Enabling Technologies and Equipment


Scanning Electron Microscope  (SEM)​

Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)​

Microhardness Tester​

Digital Microscope with 3D Imaging​

Portable XRF​

ASTM G65 Abrasion Tester